Jiawei Tyler Gu

PhD student, Computer Science, University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign

E-mail: jiaweig3 at illinois dot edu

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I am a 4th year Computer Science PhD student in SysNet area at UIUC working with Prof. Tianyin Xu.

I am generally interested in Systems, in particular, Distributed System and Operating Systems. My current research focuses on improving the reliability of cloud system management in the context of Kubernetes.

I received my B.S. Computer Science from University of Wisconsin-Madison. I was an undergrad Research Assitant in Paradyn Tools Project group at UW-Madison, advised by Prof. Barton Miller. I also worked with Prof. Earlence Fernandes on an adversarial ML project.



Anvil: Verifying Liveness of Cluster Management Controllers     [pdf]   [code]

Xudong Sun, Wenjie Ma, Jiawei Tyler Gu, Zicheng Ma, Tej Chajed, Jon Howell, Andrea Lattuada, Oded Padon, Lalith Suresh, Adriana Szekeres, and Tianyin Xu

In Proceedings of the 18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI'24), Santa Clara, CA, Jul, 2024

Jay Lepreau Best Paper Award



Acto: Automatic End-to-End Testing for Operation Correctness of Cloud System Management     [pdf]   [code]

Jiawei Tyler Gu, Xudong Sun, Wentao Zhang, Yuxuan Jiang, Chen Wang, Mandana Vaziri, Owolabi Legunsen, and Tianyin Xu

In Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 29th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'23), Koblenz, Germany, Oct, 2023



Automatic Reliability Testing For Cluster Management Controllers     [pdf]   [code]

Xudong Sun, Wenqing Luo, Jiawei Tyler Gu, Aishwarya Ganesan, Ramnatthan Alagappan, Michael Gasch, Lalith Suresh, and Tianyin Xu

In Proceedings of the 16th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI'22), Carlsbad, CA, Jul, 2022



Augest 2021-Present

Graduate Research Assistant, xLab
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Improving the reliability of cloud control planes by developing automatic testing techniques for controllers/operators in cluster management systems (e.g. Kubernetes/Openshift).

May 2023-August 2023

Research Intern
Microsoft Research

Understanding challenges of migrating applications from VMs to containers. Improving the reliability of applications deployed on Kubernetes.

April 2020-July 2021

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Paradyn Group
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Develop Self-Propelled Instrumentation engine which is capable of instrumenting before and after function calls. Design trace generation using Self-Propelled Instrumentation engine. Develop visualization method for program traces in order to support recent Vulnerability Assessment.

July 2020-March 2021

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Security & Privacy Group
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Explore physical robust Adversarial Machine Learning attacks on real-world commercial ADAS (Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems). Further than the previous Robust Physical Perturbations attack, properties of control systems such as Kalman Filter are considered.

February 2020-May 2020

Peer Mentor, Intro to Operating System
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Undergraduate TA position. Hold Office Hours to help students on concepts in Operating System. Help students who are stuck on their course projects.